【団役員コメント:池内 眞弓】 2月25日(火)研修15日目、ポンペイ入港後3日目。午前中、学生たちはグループ別研修を行いました。各グループで行動計画を作成、市内散策や買い物、ダイナーやレストランでランチをしていました。13時の帰船時には、お互いに購入したものを見せ合って楽しそうにしていました。現地の伝統的なハンドメイドのかわいいスカートやお揃いのTシャツ(I Love POHNPEI)を購入している学生もいました。陸上で自由時間を過ごすことで、気分転換がはかれたようです。午後は出港手続き、そしてポンペイを出港しました。 出港時には望星丸調査の一部として、ヘルメットとライフジャケットを装着し、実際に出港時の甲板員の一連の作業を見学する事ができ、貴重な体験となったようです。
【団役員コメント:セタキス ラリー ジョン】 After a long week at sea all of us, students and teachers alike, were happy to reach our first stop outside of Japan, Pohnpei. The beautiful green of the mountains and the blue of the sea made a strong impression on all of us. Our first event on the island was an outdoor BBQ! The students had good time walking from the Bosei Maru and through Kolonia to get there. The BBQ was held on a hill with a wonderful view of the ocean and our ship. There were many local foods and we even got to drink fresh coconut milk right out of the coconut. We were treated to a performance by several local dancers following dinner, and many of the students joined in when invited to dance along. It was a warm welcome to this friendly island. Our second day was filled with different excursions. Many students went to visit the ruins of Nan Madol or and the Keprohi waterfall. Several students took a long hike up to the top of Mt. Sokase, with its spectacular ocean views, and learned about the flora and fauna of Pohnpei. Others went out on the ocean to learn about marine life. I went with a group of students who visited the College of Micronesia, or COM. The COM students gave our students a tour of the campus, and while both sides were shy at the beginning, they warmed up during the tour, and began chatting and sharing stories about their school life. By the end of the tour, everyone was sharing pictures and SNS information. The day ended with a performance by the COM student choir, which impressed all of us greatly. I hope that our students keep in touch with their new friends! This morning, we all had some free time to explore the town. Many of the students visited historical sites in Kolonia, like the Spanish wall and a number of monuments showing connections between Japan and Micronesia. Before returning to the boat, most did some shopping for souvenirs to take back home and local snacks to bring on the voyage to Palao. In the afternoon, we said good bye to Pohnpei from the deck of the Bosei Maru. We enjoyed our time here, but are looking forward to our next stop!
【生活班コメント】 岩本 真弥 本日はポンペイでグループ別研修。僕は6人のグループでポンペイを周りました。僕は英語が苦手で、現地の人とのコミュニケーションにずっと不安を抱いていました。しかし、実際に現地に行ってみると、言葉以外にも気持ちが乗るらしく、簡単な英語だけでもコミュニケーションが成り立つことを実感しました。ONE DAY ONE TRYを班目標に掲げていますが、コミュニケーションにおいても、恐れずに挑戦していくことが重要なようです。