【団役員コメント:セタキス ラリー ジョン】 Today was our first full day at sea. Yesterday afternoon the seas were rather rough, and many students (and some teachers, too!) felt a little under the weather. Most of us were feeling better today, and so we spent the day getting used to the motion of the ship on the ocean and making new friends. This morning, after a breakfast of rice porridge, we were able to go up on deck and see the Baynoes rock formation from the port side of the ship. The students enjoyed the fresh sea air and some were lucky enough to spot a Caspian Gull, which is rarely seen on the mainland. As we passed Torishima, we were able to spot many albatross diving for food and soaring above the steep cliffs of the island. Later in the day, everyone was excited to see our first whales far off the ship’s bow. In between nature watching sessions, we played games, had several meetings about events on Chichijima and Palau, and talked with each other a lot. The captain even got out his shamisen and played (and sang!) an Okinawan tune for us. The highlight of the day was in the evening when we passed the famous Sofugan. It was a majestic and mystifying site as it rose high above the ocean waves. Tomorrow will be a busy day with a lecture from the captain, planning for studies on Chichijima and our first English class. I’m looking forward to it!